Philosophy & Vision
Artscape is a nonprofit organisation that seeks to inspire people and promote public art for everyone. We believe that the dominance of the advertising boards in the modern cityscape needs to be challenged.
We are always working on new exciting projects that will explore the possibilities of street art in the modern urban environment.

Bringing art to the people
Artscape is a nonprofit organisation that seeks to inspire people and promote public art for everyone. We believe that the dominance of the advertising boards in the modern cityscape needs to be challenged. Great art shouldn’t be confined to only galleries and museums!
Social sustainability, cultural diversity and equality
We put great pride into producing high quality projects whilst bringing meaningful cultural experiences to local communities. Our aim is to provide a solid platform for artists from all backgrounds and showcase a wide range of expressions and styles.
Sustainable development goals
In 2015 the UN SDGs was adopted by 193 countries as a common effort for sustainable development. The goals aims to include all cities, governments and all parts of the civic society in spreading the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The UN SDGs have played a major role in the Artscape organisation since 2015. We believe in art and creativity as an essential spark for a sustainable future.
Innovating the art form
Artscape was born from an idea to change the Swedish perception of urban art. By pushing the boundaries of art in the public space, Artscape has become a prominent voice in the global contemporary urban art scene. We are always open to unique ideas and looking for expressions that will allow the art form to thrive.
Artscape in numbers
Produced pieces of public art
Municipalities where we have worked
Collaborative artworks with the public
Artists we have worked with
All Artworks
See all of our murals, sculptures and other works of art here.
Artscape in the news
2020.01.24 / JUXTAPOZ
Artscape Sweden – The Magical Mural Tour
2020.10.28 / STREET ART NEWS
Mural by Astro in Linköping, Sweden
Mikael B for Artscape Festival
2019.06.19 / GRAFFITI STREET
Curtis Hylton joins the Artscape Saga
2017.08.12 / STREETARTNEWS
Pastel New Mural in Säffle, Sweden
2017.08.10 / BOOOOOOOM
Murals from Artscape’s White Moose Project
2017.08.05 / STREETARTNEWS
ArtScape 2017 “The White Moose Project”
2017.07.17 / Arterritory
Artscape – geographically scattered and globally unique
2016.08.24 / STREETARTNEWS
“Looking Back” by Jarus in Gothenburg, Sweden
2016.08.23 / GraffitiStreet
Artscape Street Art Festival, Gothenburg, Sweden 2016
2014.06.19 / STREETARTNEWS
Phlegm New Mural for ArtScape – Malmö, Sweden
2014.06.08 / HYPEBEAST
D*Face “Last Embrace Before Departure” Mural @ ArtScape Festival Malmo
2014.05.20 / Hi-Fructose
Cyrcle’s New Mural, “Collapse Part 1,” at the Moderna Museet Malmö
2021.01.25 / Dagens Industri
De brinner för urban konst
2021.01.25 / Expressen
Malmöföretaget som sätter färg på tillvaron
2021.01.26 / Sydsvenskan
Konstsatsning åter på hemmaplan – Malmö får sex nya verk i sommar
2020.10.18 SVT Öst
Nu är alla 17 väggmålningar klara
2020.10.13 / Dagens Näringsliv
Artscape skapar färgsprakande väggkonst
2020.09.22 / SVT Kulturnyheterna
No limit Borås – En riktigt fullträff
2020.08.12 / Kingsize Magazine
No Limit Borås och Artscape Borås teamar upp för gatukonstfestival i september
2020.08.24 / SVT Öst
Storskalig AR-konst när Artscape kommer till Östergötland
2020.08.27 / Sydsvenskan
Gigantiskt konstverk ska göra Möllan tryggare
2019.01.20 / SVD
Gratis konstfestival bortom storstäderna
2019.01.24 Sydsvenskan
Folksagor hyllas i konstprojekt
2019.06.18 Kingsize Magazine
Sveriges största väggmålning står klar
2019.07.30 SVT Gävleborg
Gatukonstfestival i Ljusdal sätter färg på köpingen
2019.08.01 / SVT Gävleborg
Hela Ljusdal ska bli konstutställning
2017.07.24 / Sveriges Radio
Skandinaviens största gatukonstfestival invigs idag
2016.10.05 / Sveriges Radio
Artscape till Värmland
2016.10.04 / SVT
Gatukonstfestival till Karlstad
2016.08.05 / ETC
Konsten tar över gatorna
2016.08.02 / Dagens Industri
Konsten flyttar ut
2016.07.26 / Göteborgsposten
Gatukonst för hela staden
2016.07.25 / Sveriges Radio
Gatukonst-festivalen Artscape har kommit till Göteborg
2015.09.01 / Sydsvenskan
Gatukonstnärer gör om Malmös stadsvapen
2015.07.14 / ETC
Konst uppåt väggarna
2014.05.12 / Sveriges Radio
Gatukonstfestival vänder upp och ner på makten
2014.04.14 / Sydsvenskan
Femton konstnärer medverkar i Artscape
Press releases 2021
2021.09.28 – Max Sansing creates his first ever European mural in Sweden together with Artscape
2020.09.28 – Konstprojekt tar över Östergötlands offentliga rum
2020.09.08 – Complete line-up for No Limit: Artscape Edition
2020.08.24 – ARTSCAPE FORM i Östergötland
2020.07.17 – No Limit: Artscape Edition takes on one city district
2020.02.07 – No Limit: Artscape Edition
Media kit
Photos and press related material are made available in our media kit, under the license CC BY-NC-SA
© Artscape 2021

Daniel Wakeham
Founder & Director

Tor Hedendahl
Founder & Director

David Villegas Wistrand
Project Manager